Last Thursday Mommy had another checkup at the dr's office and we got to hear Wesley's heartbeat again. So far everything looks and sounds good. We also realized that Mommy is 31 weeks and Wesley's due date is quickly approaching. So we got in gear this past weekend and took the bottom bunk apart and stored it and got Parker's old crib out and put it back together (Parker helped!). It was a little too tall to go under the loft bed, so we shimmed up the bunkbed top piece and also took the castors off the crib and attached furniture glides so it will slide on the carpet. We're pretty pleased with how it works together and how much floor space is in the boys' room now.

Mommy found this sports crib set a few months ago at Target in the same colors as Parker's bed set and we went ahead and picked it up. Parker thought it was really cool and he helped Mommy wash it and set it up. We know we'll have to wash the crib set again before Wesley arrives though - as the cats have taken up residence in the crib again. They loved sleeping in the crib before Parker arrived and they've picked up the habit again.
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