When Mommy was pregnant with Parker, she decorated the nursery in Classic Winnie the Pooh and found this cute Pooh bear at the Disney store for Parker's crib. Pooh bear has become his good buddy over the years - he goes on trips with us often in the car and is a necessity in order to be able to sleep at night.
In getting the nursery ready for Wesley we wanted to find a bear for him. But this time the nursery is all in sports because the boys are sharing a room and we also didn't want two Pooh bears around getting confused. So last week we took Parker to the Build-A-Bear store to make a bear for his brother Wesley. He did a great job and had a lot of fun (although it's hard to tell by his face in the pictures - he just wasn't into smiling for the camera this day!).

Waiting in line after picking out a bear for Wesley.

Stepping on the pedal so that the bear can be stuffed.
Parker picked out a heart for the bear and kissed it before putting it inside.

Putting the bear under the fluffer machine.

Parker and Daddy and "Brownie Bear" for Wesley. They're sitting in front of the computer where you type in all your information and the bear gets a birth certificate. The certificate spells out that the bear was stuffed with love by "Big Brother Parker." The name "Brownie Bear" was all Parker's idea and he also picked out a small Gators t-shirt for the bear (because his Pooh bear wears a t-shirt, this bear needed one too!).
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