On Wednesday Mommy's throat was even more sore and her voice almost non-existent. But the other pain from surgery was getting less. In the afternoon, Daddy spent some time studying while Wesley napped and the rest of the gang took Parker to his first movie in the movie theater at nearby Festival Bay Mall. We went to see Nim's Island (it was cute!) and Parker did remarkably better than we thought he would. For the most part he sat still either in his own chair or on Mommy's lap. And he was pretty quiet other than the occasional, "Where's Daddy?" and "Can we leave now?" comments. He did seem to enjoy the huge screen and this movie had lots of water and animals in it which always fascinate him. Later we picked up Daddy and the baby and went back to the mall, to eat at Fuddrucker's. We used to have one in Tampa by USF and Mommy and Daddy loved to eat there, but it's been gone for a while. Then Grandma and Grandpa babysat so Mommy could take Daddy to IKEA and look for something at Downtown Disney.
Not much on pictures this week but here's a few that Parker has taken for us with Mommy's cell phone. Do we have an abstract artist on our hands, perhaps?

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