After work tonight, Mommy picked up Parker at Angels. He'd had a lot of fun today because it this afternoon was Stretch N Grow time. Once at home we put Wesley in the exersaucer in the kitchen and Parker and Mommy cooked dinner (Daddy was studying in the office and getting some down time since Wesley had been up all day). Parker is getting good at really helping and he does enjoy helping cook in the kitchen. He can use the can opener all by himself; he loves to pour and stir, and flavor things with salt and pepper and the squirt butter. Parker knows how to operate the microwave and also the kitchen timer. He also sets the table (plates, silverware, napkins) and gets drink orders. Tonight he helped make breaded pork chops, stuffing and carrots (he got to pick the vegetable).
After dinner, we cleaned up quick and then went out so Parker could ride his bike in the neighborhood while Mommy walked and wore Wesley in the sling. Thirty-five minutes around and Parker was ready to go home. Good thing because the motion had already lulled Wesley to sleep and he was getting super heavy!

Parker spent the rest of the evening coloring a picture and then entertaining Wesley in his exersaucer. It was a really good night - a Wonderful Wednesday.
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