This past Sunday, Daddy preached at the First UMC of Seffner, where we grew up. They recognized him during worship and gave him a very generous gift card to Cokesbury to purchase his first ministerial robe. Some folks that we knew growing up who now attend other churches came back to hear Daddy preach and still some other friends of the family came in support. We had twenty-four people sitting in our section alone for him! Daddy did a great job and we were all very proud.

Afterwards, we went back to Grandmommy and Granddaddy's house for lunch.
The cousins had a lot of fun playing together. This lego tower occupied a lot of time and energy.

Here's Daddy with some of his special guests. This is Aunt Doris (Grannie's best friend) and her daughter Kendra and her granddaughter Phoebe.

With Aunt Barbara, Uncle David and Grannie.

With Miss Joan, who was responsible for all of the wonderful support Daddy received from the SHORT Fund at Seffner that helped out with our finances.

With cousin Sam.

With Aunt Jani and Uncle Dan.

With Aunt Diane and Uncle Steve.

Then in the afternoon the cousins had a blast playing in the pool. Here's Wesley taking a little break from the action.
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