Thursday was the start of Annual Conference. We dropped the boys off at the conference daycare located at Covenant UMC in Port Orange - this was Wesley's first time at daycare. Uncle Clark manned the Wesley Foundation booth in the Ministry Expo while Mommy and Daddy headed off to clergy session in the Bethune Cookman gym. Daddy had to go line up across the front with the other commissioned ministers and be voted on by the gathering of pastors. Fortunately, they all voted yes! Then Daddy and Mommy went to get their pictures taken for the new clergy directory!
In the evening after conference was over, we ended up walking down Atlantic Avenue and finding this great little local pizza place for dinner and followed that up with a trip to Friendly's for some sundaes. Then Mommy and Parker spent some more time at the pool, while the rest of the guys hung out in the condo.
On Friday, the boys went to daycare again, while Mommy went to meetings and Daddy and Clark hung out at the condo. Daddy needed an opportunity to polish his sermon for this Sunday at Seffner. For dinner, we took Daddy out for a special treat at Olive Garden and then headed back to Bethune for the commissioning service. Grandmommy and Granddaddy drove over and met us there (even after Grandmommy had to have an emergency root canal that day!)
Listening to the Gospel choir before the service started.

This is Larry Bobb and Pat Williams. Larry is the lay delegate to Annual Conference from Faith and they came to see Daddy get commissioned.

Wesley clapping for Daddy as his name is called.

Bishop Whitaker preaching.

Daddy being asked the commissioning questions. He's on the far right of the screen.
Daddy lined up on the stage for the commissioning.

Daddy being commissioned. Laying hands on him (from left to right) are: the Rev. David Dodge (board of ministry registrar), Bishop Whitaker, the Rev. Catherine Fluck Price (board of ministry chair) and the Rev. Dr. Ken Minton (conference secretary).

The boys needing a little more entertainment after the commissioning while there were 13 people being ordained.
After the service here's Daddy with some proud family members.

And here's Daddy with his candidacy mentor, the Rev. Dr. Vic Willis.
The boys entertaining themselves while we were taking pictures and talking with friends.

We went back to Friendly's to celebrate after the commissioning service and then said goodbye to Grandmommy, Granddaddy and Uncle Clark. While the boys crashed, we worked hard at packing up as much as we could before checkout on Saturday morning. The boys spent a bit of time at daycare again on Saturday as Mommy was at the meetings and Daddy loaded up the car and checked us out of the condo. Then Daddy and the boys came and hung out on Bethune's campus until it was time to go.
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