We started off the morning at Mommy's church where the Belleview HS Band was having a pancake breakfast fundraiser in the fellowship hall. One of our seniors in the youth group is the drum major in the band this year. Very good pancakes and sausage too! And Parker really like their butter for some reason - when Mommy was being introduced to Belleview's episcopal priest and his wife, Parker took his fork and ate the entire ball of butter that was on the table.
After we filled our tummies, we headed off to this neat playground just a couple of blocks from the church. The boys had a blast for about thirty minutes, enjoying all of the climbing toys. This park was a cooperative effort between Home Depot and Kaboom in giving back to the community. Really special!
Here's Wesley trying to catch Parker - check out his little hands.
And here's the listening posts - the boys thought this was so cool!
Once we had sweat to death outside, it was time to load up in the van again and head back up to Ocala for Parker's first official day of youth bowling. We arrived at 10:45am and didn't leave until 1:45pm. They had a parent's meeting and then let all of the kids practice for a bit before settling in to play their three games for the day. The kids playing ranged in age from 3-15 and they were put into six different teams of two. Parker was put on a team with a girl who is also starting kindergarten on Monday, and so they named their team "Kindergarten Rocks!" Parker ended up bowling a 74, 75 and another 75 in his three games.
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