Today was a full day for both halves of this 2 pastor family! Daddy had worship this morning, followed up by a worship service at Ocala Health and Rehab at 2pm and a cluster charge conference at 4pm this afternoon. There were 10 churches in the cluster and we met at First Ocala in their Life Enrichment Center. Daddy's church had the largest contingent of people there with 16! What most surprised us most though was during the worship service as Parker stood next to Mommy and Daddy and recited the entire Lord's prayer without missing a beat! We had no idea at all that he knew this. When we questioned him how he learned it, he said he learned it at Mommy's church. Not that anyone had sat him down and taught it to him, but he's picked it up while in worship. He sits in the back with the same two families every week who have kids that Parker knows from Kids' Club. And apparently he is listening!
And Mommy had worship followed by a Ministry Fair in the Fellowship Hall and a luncheon in the educational building. Here's a few pictures of the Ministry Fair.....

Parker posing in front of the booth describing his Kids Club on Wednesday night.

We were featured on one of the boards talking about Trunk N Treat.

Lunch was made by the UMW and was free as long as you visited three of the booths and got them to sign off on your lunch ticket. The youth group worked the meal as servers. You could choose an egg sandwich, chicken salad sandwich or tuna salad sandwich and everything came with a drink, chips, pickle and a brownie!

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