So decorating for Christmas took a little longer this year. First of all, because it's our first holiday in the new house, so instead of being able to put everything up like we've done before, we had to figure out a place for everything. And the second reason it took longer is because we have more space to decorate here and were finally able to get out all of our Christmas decorations - some of which have been in storage for the last five years. Despite taking several days to decorate, we are very pleased with the end result. This house was made for holiday decorating!
Foyer - All Nativities!

Dining Room - a myriad of collections on the shelves and our formal white and gold tree.

Living Room - Lots of kid friendly stuff here! The guys on the hope chest sing and move, the figures on the piano light up and move as well as the two big Bugs Bunny figures on the entertainment tower.

And of course the fireplace in the Living Room, complete with Santa collection and stockings. Both of the boys got new stockings this year and both of them light up!

Family Room - This tree is real and features all of our sports ornaments and fun family ornaments from over the years.
Boys' Room - This tree has Bible characters hanging on it!

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