This afternoon Mommy and the boys headed back down to Belleview to catch the annual Christmas parade. We snuck into town just before they closed the main road, parked a block west at the newspaper office and walked back with our chairs. We found a spot next to Belleview Pizza across from Checkers and settled in for the show. The parade lasted about an hour and a half and was full of all kinds of fun things. The boys especially enjoyed the motorcycle groups and the bands and the big trucks!
The boys getting ready for the parade to start.

We were about 2/3 of the way down the parade route and this was the rest of it to the south of us.
The opening banners and color guard.

One of our church members who owns the local paper was the Grand Marshal of the parade. Her grandson is with her - he's in Parker's Kids Club.

Lots of fun vehicles

And even a couple of teenagers from the church.

And the grand finale to the parade - Santa Claus of course!
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