Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Flame of Pentecost

Today we celebrated Pentecost in worship at both BUMC and DHUMC. Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit in wind and tongues of fire and it also marks the birthday of the early church as recorded in Acts 2. The decorations at both churches were moving, the services were powerful and exciting. You could really feel the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

But both Mommy and Daddy's hearts are a little sad today. Sad for our friend, the Rev. Audrey Warren, and for the congregation she serves, Branches UM Mission in Florida City (just outside Homestead). They experienced the flame of Pentecost in a slightly different fashion this year. At 1am this morning they were alerted to the fact that their church and its amazing outside playground were on fire. There was nothing the fire department could do. The building and most of the playground are a total loss. This was Audrey's message on facebook this morning: "Please pray for us. God is bigger! As we learned in Sunday School, the church is not a building, the church is not a steeple, the church is not a resting place...the church is the people! May we worship in Spirit and Truth this morning."

There is much that lies ahead of them in terms of rebuilding, but the people still gathered to celebrate Pentecost with its two regular worship services today: 11am in English and 7:30pm in Spanish outside on the grounds. You can keep track of the progress if you are on facebook by following the group "Building Up Branches." Please keep this congregation in your thoughts and prayers.

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