Sunday - In the afternoon we took the boys to see the much anticipated Toy Story 3 in 3D. Parker had been counting down the days until the release date and continuing to bug us about not having seen it yet. Wesley who refused to take an afternoon nap lasted through the previews and the first ten minutes of the show before snuggling up with Mommy to sleep until five minutes before the end (thank God 2 year olds are free!). Parker absolutely loved it and was riveted to the screen the entire time! Mommy and Daddy thought it was pretty good too!!!
Monday - Mommy and Daddy had date day and took in the movie Grownups at the newly restored Marion Theater downtown. Thanks to a lot of fundraising from the Travoltas and a deal with Carmike cinema, the theater has been renovated and last month opened as a two-screen theater for first run movies. The theater was great and so was the movie. We lunched at Harry's downtown with New Orleans style cuisine before heading over to the show.
Tuesday - We're on the "loose teeth" patrol here now. Parker's bottom two front teeth are loose and there is already one adult tooth that has broken through the gum behind. We got out the Lightning McQueen tooth fairy pillow to get ready.
Wednesday - Daddy discovered this on his church sign when he got to the office! Hard to believe that we've been here a year already.....

Driving down to Belleview for Bible study and worship team practice, Mommy and the boys saw some of the demolition occurring at Parker's school. They are tearing down most of the old buildings at the front of the school and next year the front will be the back where they built three new buildings.

Thursday - Mommy (and Daddy) spent much of the day involved in pre-op for the doctor's office, hospital and lab. Mommy will be having surgery next Wednesday for some health issues that have been gradually getting worse over the last couple of years. So she will be having a partial hysterectomy and a bladder repair done. It's a couple of days in the hospital and then 4-6 weeks of recuperating at home. Thankfully the Belleview church has been super supportive of helping her schedule coverage and even working with Druid Hills to help arrange meals for all of us.
Later when we picked the boys up, we hit the pool at the YMCA for a while. We wanted to see how Parker had improved with a week of swim lessons. He still has a lot of room for improvement, but he is much more enthusiastic and confident in the water and no longer needs his floaties! When the nasty weather rolled in, we left and grabbed some dinner. Later the little guys ended up watching the Rays game with Daddy in the family room while enjoying some munchies.

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