Then it was home just in time to do his homework, meet up with Daddy and pick up Wesley from school. From there we swung through the drive-thru for McDonald's for the boys and then doubled back to the school for Parker's first grade open house. We got to see his classroom (including the new smart board technology) and we got to see his seat and cubby and some of the work that he's been doing - including the daily writing journal he keeps in his desk. His teacher, Mrs. Leveritt had only good things to say about his progress: Parker's great at reading and writing and at math and she never has to get onto him about his behavior or talking in class.
From the school we headed down in two cars to Belleview and were only a few minutes late in dropping the boys off for Kids Club activities. Since Mommy isn't holding a night-time Bible study right now, Mommy and Daddy used the chance to go eat dinner together at Pasta Faire. By the time dinner was over it was time for Mommy to head to praise team practice, the boys stayed with Miss Jody at church to play with friends and Daddy headed home. We all managed to get back to the house about 9pm. We have nothing on our plans for tomorrow evening and we intend to spend a quiet night in!
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