Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cub Scouts Update

The last two weeks at Cub Scouts have been pretty interesting for Parker. They have been working on their physical fitness belt loop in his Tiger Cub Den with the goal of earning it by the next den meeting at the end of this month. They've had a special guest - a young EMT in training named Amber - who has come to work with them on the different parts of the belt loop. The first week they learned about why drugs and alcohol are bad and they split into groups and made a poster. Then this past week they learned about the different food groups and then made a poster by cutting out food pictures to put on the food pyramid. Amber's mom who is also an RN came to help them listen to their heartbeats in the stethoscope and learning how to check their pulse. All of the many different activities are definitely helping to keep 8 first-grade boys interested and occupied!

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