Finally we got them into bed with a nice big orange glow coming from their room. Saturday dawned bright and way too early since Parker had to be down at the field at 8:50am for t-ball pictures. We left Daddy at home with Wesley and headed down for the individual picture and team photo. Mommy managed to get a shot of his team for herself.
We took Grandma by the Pumpkin Patch after that and boy was it getting bare. Maybe 400 pumpkins left, mostly the warty ones and odd-colored ones. But there were still plenty of people around taking pictures and picking through the pumpkins. We took Parker home to change his clothes before going to lunch at Zaxby's. We ended up having a little bit of time before bowling so we spent it downtown trick or treating at some of the different shops (about 18 places were doing trick or treat this afternoon). They had the best luck at Starbucks where they got whole handfuls of really good chocolate candy! Then we headed over to bowling. Parker did much better than his average today with a 52 in the first game and a 69 (including a strike and a spare!) in his second game. When we got home we watched the Gator game while Grandma helped the boys put together their Halloween presents from her - 3D Toy Story 3 puzzles!
Sunday morning was another Pulpit Swap time for Mommy and Daddy. We all worshipped together at Belleview's early service (and heard Parker's choir sing a medley of songs), then Mommy headed off to Druid Hills to preach for Daddy. We both used our Potato Head costumes as children sermon illustrations, which the kids seemed to get a kick out of. Later in the afternoon, Mommy and the boys dressed up in their costumes and headed out to do some more Trunk N Treating. First UMC Ocala did their second annual Trunk N Treat this year and had about fifteen more cars than last year and three really cool inflatable bounce house slides. Wesley even managed to overcome his fear and get in one of the bounce houses and go down the slide twice! Then we headed over to First Baptist Ocala who was doing Trunk N Treat as well. They had about 75 cars (including some classic cars, a racecar and a bunch of motorcycles) on their baseball field and when we got there 30 minutes after the start time we ended up in a line of about 400 people waiting to get into the field. It took about 30 minutes to wait in line (they came around with free bottles of cold water) and about 20 minutes to walk around the field of cars. About half of the cars were out of candy by then, but the boys still had a lot of fun and between the two churches raked in a huge haul of candy!
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