Saturday while Daddy was enjoying the Gator bowl game at home, Mommy took the boys out for a special date. They got to enjoy lunch at the place of their choice - Applebee's - and then got to play at the local park of their choice - Greenway Park.
The only thing we didn't get to do on our vacation time that we had promised the boys was a trip to ride the Ferris Wheel downtown again. It was either too cold or too crowded in the evenings downtown. So on Monday night - the last night of the Ferris Wheel - we went downtown for one last try. There was no line and we were given a nice extra long ride; we counted 18 times around! The boys enjoyed the view with all the downtown decorations and lights still up.
When we got off the Ferris Wheel Parker insisted on taking this picture to help remember the experience.....
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