Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pinewood Derby Man

A considerable amount of time on the Sunday and Monday after vacation was spent getting Parker's Pinewood Derby car created for Cub Scouts. Working together Parker and Daddy took a block of wood and turned it into a great tribute to Ironman.

Last Monday evening, all of the boys in the pack brought their Pinewood Derby cars to the Cub Scout meeting so that they could weigh the cars and do practice runs on the new track. Parker's car weighed in at 4.22oz (had to be 5oz or under) and raced his Ironman car a total of 10 times at practice. His car came in first place 8 times and in second place 2 times that evening. But we had no idea how fast the car actually was because they didn't have the track timer set up and working yet.

Then last Saturday, Parker's Cub Scout pack gathered at his school in the breezeway for the actual Pinewood Derby. The top three finishers from each age level (Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelo) advance to the District level for Pinewood Derby races next weekend. It took about 2.5 hours on Saturday to run the 48 races in 3 rounds for Pack 112. The first round took 29 races. Parker raced 3 times and came in first each time: 2.929, 2.924 and 2.934.

The second round took 10 races. Parker raced 3 times and came in first each time: 2.925, 2.934 and 2.929.

The final round took 9 races. Again Parker raced 3 times. He came in second in the first race and then first place in the next two races: 2.934, 2.921 (personal best of day time) and 2.952.

When all was said and done, Parker took first place in the Tiger Den!

And Parker also managed to take second place overall for Pack 112!

So this coming Saturday, we will be headed to the District Pinewood Derby to be held at the Honda dealership here in Ocala. It does mean that Parker will miss his tee-ball game on Saturday morning as well as team picture day for this season. But he's already completed three seasons of tee-ball and he may never advance to Districts with Pinewood Derby again. We actually gave him the choice and he chose Pinewood Derby. So we'll keep you posted on how things turn out.

This Monday Parker's Pack also had their monthly Pack meeting for awards and Parker received three more belt loops - for communicating (worked on together with the pack) as well as chess and reading & writing (worked on with us at home).

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