A little rain on the way, but the sky was all clear by the time we arrived in Sarasota. Our first stop in town was Publix for supplies and then onto the Key to check into our room. We stayed at the same place as last year, the Sieata Royale, and in the same unit, #9. It was just as we remembered except with a new coat of paint on the wall. Here's the view from our back porch:

He did manage to wake up to eat his cheese pizza. Parker entertained himself by coloring.
It was a very enjoyable and relaxing dinner.

Afterwards we did a little shopping in the Village before heading back and getting in the pool. We discovered though that our sunscreen had leaked all over our towels in the beach bag so we used the laundry room by the pool while swimming.
Mommy took off after a bit to go running on the beach and Daddy stayed with the boys. Parker was having a blast trying front and back somersaults off the side of the pool; that is until he smacked the back of his head on the side of the pool. Fortunately there was no blood and some time with an ice pack back in our room seemed to fix him right up.
When it was time for bed we set up the air mattress in our bedroom on the floor with sleeping bags, pillows and bears. The boys used the DVD player from the van to have movie night-they watched Despicable Me and fell asleep pretty quick. That gave Mommy and Daddy a chance to relax for a while out in the living room before finally crashing out too.
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