Sunday, October 9, 2011

Batter Up!

Despite the drizzle of rain on Saturday morning, the boys had their first tee-ball game of the season. It's a good thing that they went ahead and played - can't imagine how disappointed Wesley would have been for a rain out. Wesley had been counting down the days until he could get out and play in a real game. They got their uniform shirts and hats before the game. All the teams are named after minor league baseball teams, so this year Parker and Wesley are part of the Sacramento Rivercats and their uniforms are two-tone blue.

Wesley's first at bat EVER!

Wesley running the bases. Daddy played 3rd base coach today to help remind the newer boys about when and where to run.

Parker's first at bat of the season. The coach is new so he had everyone hit off the tee today. He's going to start working with the bigger boys on pitching at next week's practice.

Wesley playing 3rd base.

One brother headed off the field while the other heads out to hit.

Wesley's second at bat.

Our little Rivercats!

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