Christmas morning dawned early (especially since some of the elves stayed up 'till 2am gabbing!). By 7am both boys were up and ready to see if Santa had visited and open their stockings.

Then it was time to open our present from Parker. He had shopped for the family at the Christmas Shoppe at school - Wesley received two little die cast jet planes and Mommy and Daddy received this lovely angel ornament.

Uncle Clark having fun with one of Wesley's stocking gifts.

With the kids distracted by stocking gifts, the elves did some more preparation for Christmas by making sure the new bikes were all lined up and ready to go.

Then it was time to open presents. Granddaddy served as Santa handing everything out.

At the end there were just two small gifts left under the tree.

Their instructions after opening the bells were to go out into the garage and open up the corresponding presents there.

Then the garage door went up revealing not just new bikes for our boys but for the cousins too. Everyone was very excited!!! Parker got a Schwinn Spitfire with flames and Wesley got a Transformers bike.

While the kids rode bikes inside, Granddaddy finally opened up his gifts (he held off while playing Santa). Here he is with his big gift from Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Daniel and Aunt Dawn - a wine refrigerator.

Next up was cousin exchange time. The boys received Game Stop gift cards and handed out Claire's Boutique cards to the girls (to shop for earrings) and an Amazon gift card for Micah (he got a Kindle for Christmas!)

Wesley with one of his gifts - a remote control car.
Uncle Steve could have auditioned somewhere as a Santa! He and Aunt Diane came up from Sarasota for lunch, along with Aunt Norma and Uncle Don plus cousins Cory, Robert, Donald and David and Cory's girlfriend Ashley. Grannie also came out from Tampa and Grandma drove over to be with us as well.

Daddy with the mask from Wesley' Craftsman welding set.
Entertaining themselves while waiting for lunch.

Lunch for 29 people!

After lunch was over, we hung out for a while talking while the kids played with their toys some more. About 4:30 we headed out to Grandma's house to exchange presents with her.

The boys acted as Santa together with Parker reading the tags and Wesley handing out the gifts.

We had a nice celebration with Grandma and the boys got the chance to play with some of their new toys at her house for a while. We packed up about 8:30pm and headed back to Grandmommy's. This one decided to decorate his head with the foam soap and wanted Mommy to take a picture.

Then Uncle Daniel and Aunt Dawn came up for a visit with their new kitten Sugar.

And Parker got out his new Electricity Science kit and had the guys help him create a circuit to make the straw turn. Then he did another circuit that ran the little light as well.

Both boys went hard all day long without a NAP, from 6:45-7am until about 10:30pm and crashed out hard when they finally laid down!
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