No one went to bed until after 11pm. It took a while to settle the boys down after all their fun but finally they crashed out hard. We had a leisurely morning on Sunday - Mommy got up and went for a run, the boys played videogames (again!) and the big boys hung out in the kitchen while Jonathan made biscuits and gravy for breakfas
Finally we all got ready, packed up and headed back to St. Augustine to the River House for the big day. Unfortunately, the wedding ceremony had to be moved inside because of the rain, but nothing could dampen our excitement and fun!

The co-best man, Mike Sheppard. Mike was the best man at our wedding and his boys were about 8 months old then.

The co-best men.

A pre-wedding toast on the back porch.

The Three Amigos. These three met in sixth grade and all ran cross-country in high school.

The Revs. Allen!

Wesley with new friends....Tyler in the chair and Nicholas in the tux.

A peek around the venue.....ceremony and later dance floor.

The wedding cake.

Beautifully decorated reception hall.

Side room with the buffet.

One last chance to relax before the big show!
The awesome guest book decorated with pictures of the bride and groom from their engagement photo session.

Mommy's seatmates at the wedding ceremony. Such a lucky girl to be surrounded by four handsome young men.
The wedding program.

The ceremony.

After the wedding Daddy did pictures with the bridal party while Mommy hung with the boys in the library for cocktail hour. Then it was time for the reception. Here's part one of the awesome seating chart posted by the doors.

The groom's cake! Jonathan is a huge Star Trek fan - the bridal couple exited the ceremony to the Star Trek theme song and here's a replica of the Enterprise.

Building Legos and playing videogames waiting for our turn at the buffet.

The wedding favors - herbal tea and Christmas ornaments!

The bride and groom being announced at the reception.

Daddy and Mike both escorted in the maid of honor to the reception.

Hunter's amazing silverware sculpture while still waiting for our turn to eat.

Daddy and his boys!

Hanging out with Mommy!

The reason for the day....the new Wright family....
Jonathan and Tanya Wright with his son Nicholas.

We left the reception just after all of the events....dances, toasts, cake cutting (and smashing!), bouquet and garter toss. We were entrusted with taking Nicholas home to his mom's side of the family so he could get to school and the boys were thrilled with a little more extra time with their new friend. They insisted on us all walking Nicholas up to the door of his grandmother's house when we arrived. Wesley slept most of the way home - he had taken a brief nap during the reception but was still so tired. We made it home by 9pm and within the hour had unloaded and unpacked the minivan, as well as fed, bathed and tucked in two little boys into bed.
Home sweet home with the ornament on our tree
to remind us of the weekend's great memories!
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