It was a very special opportunity and we were thrilled to be able to participate. This is only the second time that we have been able to preach together - alternating back and forth during a sermon - and it seemed to come across really, really well.
It was wonderful to see some faces from our Seffner past that we have not seen in many years. It was also nice to have such a great turnout from our own families at worship. Worship was really a family affair - Daryl's brother does the welcome and announcements, our nieces serve as acolytes, our nephew helps with the offering plates and Daryl's mother has done the Children's Moments since we were little kids.
Across the back from left to right - Daryl's parents Wayne and Joyce Allen; Daryl; Daryl's uncles Nam, Kelly, and David; Daryl's brother Daniel and his wife Dawn; my mom Ellen Keller and I; my mom's sister, my Aunt Nancy; my cousin Randy holding his son Will; Randy's wife Faith; my cousin Bob; and my Uncle Sparky. Across the front - our son Parker; our nephew Micah; Daryl's grandmother Murriel Allen; our niece Kayla; our son Wesley and our niece Bethany. Daryl's Aunt Jani was also there but is not pictured.
After worship we went up to the Fellowship Hall for a covered dish lunch.

Getting to visit with my former youth leader Sandy, her son David and his wife and son. I used to "babysit" David in the summer and later helped pick him up from school when I was in college (he went to Jesuit on the other side of Tampa).

Daryl and Daniel with their Grandma. They are holding a blanket that was made by one of Joyce's sisters and that she used in her children's sermon during worship.
We missed getting good Easter pictures as a family, so
while we were all dressed up we got a few family photos.
As we were heading out, we managed to get one last picture with Daryl's Grandma.
We headed back to Grandmommy and Granddaddy's house for naptime and then took off for home. Parker has FCAT testing this week and we wanted to make sure he got a good night's sleep. It was a wonderful weekend and we are so thankful for the time with family and friends.
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