Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Year in Review

2013 was a memorable year of Allen Family Adventures.....

* Parker receives his 3rd grade Bible at BUMC in worship 
* Overnight trip to Orlando (Disney All Star Sports Hotel and Disney putt-putt)
* Clergy Kids weekend at camp 

* Parker gets his braces off 
* Cousin birthday party at Lettuce Lake Park in Tampa
* Parker reads Scripture for Scout Sunday at DHUMC
* Wesley participates in BUMC's Church Has Left the Building service day
* The Wright family comes to visit us in Ocala
* Official Letter of Acceptance (LOA) received for adopting Davis

* I800 Approval received from USCIS for adopting Davis
* Sports - Daryl coaches Wesley's tee-ball team; Parker plays Rookie ball at Rotary
* Parker wins two trophies at Cub Scout Pack Pinewood Derby
* Parker turns 9!
* BUMC's Easter Drive Thru and DHUMC's Easter Tableau
* Parker wins 2rd place at District Pinewood Derby
* Celebrating Easter and Parker's birthday in Seffner


* Wesley learns to tie his shoes
* Daryl and I preach for Heritage Sunday at FUMC Seffner
* DHUMC throws us a baby shower for Davis 
* Parker's 3rd grade field trip to Sea World
* Visit with the Wrights in Jacksonville for Parker's Council Pinewood Derby
* Travel Approval (TA) issued for adopting Davis 

* Mother's Day celebration in Seffner
* Surprise Clergy Couple baby shower and visit from the Holdens
* Consulate appointment confirmed for adopting Davis
* Memorial Day trip to Orlando (Lake Buena Vista hotel and Aquatica)

* Wesley graduates from VPK
* A visit from Rael in Ocala
* Baby Shower from BUMC
* Trip to Lakeland for Annual Conference and participated in Stop Hunger Now food packaging event
* Leave for China - tour Beijing, meet Davis, complete adoption, tour Guangzhou
* Debbie turns 37!

* Spend July 4th at Hong Kong Disney
* Come home to Florida - wonderful Welcome Home Davis Party in Seffner
* Mommy and Daddy celebrate their 14th anniversary!
* Parker goes to sleep away church camp
* One month post-placement visit with social worker for Davis Adoption
* Siesta Key Family Beach Vacation (Daryl baptizes baby Charlee)

* July/August birthday celebration with family in Seffner
* The Wright family comes to visit us in Ocala
* Daryl has ear surgery! 
* Dinner with the Raskovichs in Inverness 
* Grandma comes to Ocala to celebrate her birthday
* Back to School - Parker 4rd grade and Wesley kindergarten at South Ocala
* Davis starts daycare at Carousel ELC

Sports - Parker plays Minor ball and Wesley plays Rookie ball at Rotary Sportsplex
* Celebrating birthdays with family in Tampa

* DHUMC Pumpkin Patch Fun!
* Overnight Trip to Orlando with Grandma (Downtown Disney and Sea World) 
* Trip through the local Corn Maze
* Trunk N Treat at BUMC as the Jake and the Neverland Pirates

* Field trips: Daryl and I chaperone Wesley's kindergarten field trip to Mr. Al and Parker's 4th grade field trip to St. Augustine
* Cub Scout Pack marches in Light Up Ocala Parade
* Daryl gets a great hearing report at his 12 week checkup 
* Six month post-placement visit with social worker for Davis adoption
* DHUMC throws Daryl a surprise 40th birthday party
* Thanksgiving Vacation in Seffner with the Sparks family from NC
* Wesley turns 6!
* Daddy turns 40!

* South Ocala Frosty Festival
* Trip to Tally to watch Uncle Clark graduate from FSU
* Marching with BUMC in the Belleview Christmas Parade 
* BUMC Christmas Drive Thru
* Christmas caroling with DHUMC
* Christmas vacation to Seffner (MOSI and Legoland, plus a Packer-Washburn family reunion) 

We could never have anticipated just how wonderful 2013 turned out to be for our family. We're looking forward with great excitement to the New Year. 
Praying that 2014 will be a wonderful year for each of you. 

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