Sunday morning started nice and early for us in Belleview with a "sunrise" service at 7am in the parking lot outside. We did some new things with staging and it was a wonderful time of worship.

Afterwards I ran home to pick up the boys and bring them back for breakfast at church followed by the Children's celebration during Sunday school, complete with hunting Easter eggs on the prayer trail.
Here was the sanctuary inside for the late service. The handbell choir played (I got to help out), the Visual Arts ministries performed "God's Not Dead" and the choir did an awesome anthem in worship.
A few pictures with the Belleview flower cross for Easter.
Druid Hills had a packed house for their service this morning and took in seven new members in worship! A couple of church members took these photos during worship this morning, including Daryl leading the Children's Time at the altar rail.
The boys and I made it just in time to Druid Hills in order to participate in their Easter Egg Hunt.
And we were able to get a nice family photo in front of the Druid Hills Easter cross together. Happy Easter from the Allens!
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