This was the scene in our house every night this last week - this neat little organizer is in the corner of the living room and holds backpacks and school sneakers.
Wesley and Davis wore their new school shirts one day this week; they are the Challengers.

Every day after school, Wesley and Davis ride the bus out to camp for After School Adventures there.
By the end of the first week of kindergarten and camp, Davis was pretty tuckered out.
All three boys had very good weeks of school, with good teachers and making friends. Parker was also able to switch his other elective around and pick up robotics. He has three advanced academic classes (math, history and language arts) and regular science so that he can participate in band and robotics. Parker was home on Friday for about an hour from school before we dropped him off at Camp Geneva to go camping for the first time with his new Boy Scout Troop.
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