Last year we had sick kids on the day of the big Christmas parade and didn't get to participate. This year everyone was well and we had three boys in three different groups: Parker with the Carver Middle School band, Wesley with the Cubs Scouts of Pack 143 and Davis with After School Adventures from Warren Willis camp!!
Parker rode down with Tucker's family to the parade because he had to be there super early. We dropped Wesley and Davis in the staging area about 5:15pm before the 6pm parade start.

Our little elf!!!

We got some baby snuggles with the littlest Quinn before the parade started too!

Main Street was full of people ready to watch the parade.

There were lots of great floats and groups and even some decorated Stormtroopers!

And here are our boys in their groups. Parker's the red t-shirt in the bottom left with a Santa hat on.

The Cub Scout Polar Express

And the Warren Willis bus with kids on the Nutcracker float. Davis walked the whole parade route with one of the counselors.

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