We celebrated Palm Sunday in worship this weekend which was pretty special in its own right and we had a very special privilege - to confirm fourteen of our youth from Community UMC as full members into the church - including our own Parker!!!!!

The youth went to all the services to be presented and then took their vows in the service which they normally attended. That meant 12 kids were confirmed in the 9:30am contemporary service and 2 kids were confirmed in the 11am traditional service.
Our wonderful youth leader Sharon Quackenbush started off by introducing the youth to the church and Rev. Melissa Cooper who led the confirmation classes led the teenagers in their confirmation vows.

All the youth, standing with their parents, ready to have hands laid on them.

Welcoming the youth with the congregational response!

At the 11am service, we had a wonderful palm processional with the children and the choir. During this service, Parker read Scripture with two of his fellow confirmands.

Finally, after all the services were over, the United Methodist Women put on a lovely reception in the Fellowship Hall for the confirmands and their families.

Parker and his best friend Tucker.

We were blessed that Grandmommy, Granddaddy, plus Uncle Daniel's family were all able to make the trip up to be part of Parker's special day.

Parker with Melissa and Sharon - so thankful for these ladies and for how much they pour into our youth, helping them to make their faith their own!

After more food back at home, Parker got to open up some presents at home. We bought him a cross charm and necklace. He received a lovely card and cash from Uncle Daniel's family, and this beautiful wall cross from Grandmommy and Granddaddy.

We are so incredibly proud of Parker and the young man he is becoming!!!!
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