Sunday we went home to Seffner after worship to celebrate Davis' birthday, plus my birthday, Uncle David's birthday and also Father's Day. Davis was thrilled and super excited to get presents before his birthday this year (his actual birthday is July 2). Grandmommy made him an awesome train cake. And all of the grownups lamented the fact that the stack of presents for a 7 year old is much more exciting than the stack of cards a grownup gets for a birthday!

See the joy on this face?! He was SO thrilled!

He got lots of great presents including kinetic sand, a plastic bow and arrow set, several sets of legos, a new scooter, a shark blanket, dress up clothes and a new nightlight!

And then of course Uncle David and I got to celebrate our birthdays - we both asked for banana pudding instead of cake!

We were thankful to celebrate this guy here too for Father's Day and his dad. Couldn't get a good picture of Grandaddy. But this picture below is the one that Daryl showed up him and his dad during worship in the morning when he preached about him for Father's Day.

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