Cashiers is 10 minutes to the west of Sapphire and we went there frequently because it's where the grocery store was! But Tuesday we decided to explore a bit more of the town. We parked and shopped around for a while before finding a great new barbecue restaurant for lunch - it had only been open three weeks.

After lunch we headed out for waterfall # 6 - Silver Run Falls. Short hike to this one, only about half a mile.

And then we went down a little windy road to find waterfall #7 - Cashiers Sliding Rock. This time we really got to play in the water and have some fun! For most of our time there, we were the only family. What we discovered was that in the middle of the rock, there was a small "pool" you could jump into. It was over 8 feet deep!!

Videos of Parker sliding.
Video of Wesley sliding.
Videos of Daryl sliding.
Videos of Debbie sliding.
Videos of the boys together - the last one with Davis is the only time he would try it!

When we were all done enjoying the water, we did a little more sightseeing down this tiny windy road. From the valley we got to see the rock climbing face of Whiteside Mountain that we had hiked over the weekend. So impressive!

And we found this little gem - an old post office. The Pony Express used to deliver here. At the time of its decommissioning in 1956, it was the smallest active US post office!

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