Sunday we spent in God's creation outside with two different hikes. The first one was in the Nantahala National Forest to see Glen Falls and the second was along the summit of Whiteside Mountain. Both of these were west of us near Highlands - about 30 minutes away - and both of these hikes were a little over 2 miles each.

Waterfall #5 - The upper portion of Glen Falls

The middle portion of Glen Falls.

The path was so muddy here we actually climbed down the fence to get past the stairs.

Finally to the bottom of the falls. We spent some time having fun and exploring all around.

Hiking back up the trail. Loved all the flora!

Driving through downtown Highlands: we found the Methodist church!

Whiteside Mountain is a famous spot for rock climbing. But it's closed for that right now because the peregrine falcons are nesting on the rock face. It was beautiful to climb and walk all along the summit of the mountain.

We had fun playing around with the camera settings up here!

We crawled down through this rock crevice out to one of the observation points.

This was the highest elevation point on the mountain - 4,931 feet!

This was the part where the trail split - we took the easy way in to the left and came back the hard way from the right. Thank goodness we did - that made the hard part all downhill!

No one felt like cooking after all the hiking so we grabbed dinner from the golf course restaurant just around the corner from our condo - it was delicious!

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