It was a LONG but AWESOME week of VBS at church! So thankful for everyone who came out and helped make it possible - so many adults and so many of our youth!
Here's Parker with the crew of folks he worked with in Bible Discovery having a little fun in between sessions. Parker is on the far right.
Davis with his small group leader Mr. Mike.

Me with my elementary small group.

Ms Faye and Ms Sandi doing experiments on stage.

Wesley with the praise team up front.

Thanking Ms Faye for her amazing leadership! The kids also raised over $700 to help kids in Peru get clean drinking water!

With Miss Kat from youth. She's been helping us out a lot this summer as a babysitter with Wesley and Davis and has been just awesome!

Davis and his friend Shya!

Me with one of our littlest VBS kids - love getting to hang out with all of these babies that we've gotten to baptize!

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