On Sunday we went to Seffner after morning worship to celebrate Father's Day and a couple of birthdays. Here's some of our family pictures to celebrate Father's Day.

We also went ahead and celebrated Davis' 8th birthday (coming up July 2) and my birthday (coming up on June 26th). Davis got a race car track in the shape of an 8 for a cake.

Pure joy! Someone is SO excited!

He got a few toys, plus ART supplies and some Michael's gift cards for more ART supplies. This guy loves to draw and he is SO good at it.

The mug is from GRandmommy and Granddaddy. One of Davis' favorite games is to play "How much do you love me?" He always "wins" by saying something like "I love you to heaven and back" or "I love you to Jesus and back, I win!" The mug reads: "I love you more. The end. I win"

My cake was specially made so I could eat it with all of my allergies. It's basically a big ice cream cookie cake - made with my non-dairy ice cream in the middle. It was yummy! I got a beautiful blanket I wanted, a Mickey mouse purse and a whole bunch of gift cards to Kohl's for new clothes. Yay!

Granddaddy got what he wanted for Father's Day - tools from Daniel and a Home Depot gift card from us.

We celebrated Baba with a new Star Wars t-shirt for Father's Day!

You can't go home without a little yard work. They replaced the bulbs in the big back yard light poles and were putting them back up.

And someone celebrated finally being taller than Uncle Nam yesterday. And yes, they were wearing the exact same shirt!

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