Daryl and I spent Friday morning at the Grand Opening of a new coffee shop in Wildwood where we got to support our friend Joey Landstedt who was performing at the opening.

In the afternoon, we picked the kids up early from school and headed down to Disney.

Our goal was to get into the 5pm show of EPCOT's Candlelight Processional - celebrity narrators read the Christmas story while a full orchestra plays, and the Voices of Liberty as well as over 100 high school students in a mass choir sing beloved Christmas carols. The finale? A beautiful rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus. We've been wanting to attend this for several years and never been able to work it into our schedule. We didn't buy a dinner package for guaranteed seating, so we got into the standby line by 4:15pm for the 5pm show and we made it! The narrator was Robby Benson, the voice of the Beast in the Disney animated classic. He was great - the whole show was really fabulous and well done!

On our way out of the park to go get dinner, we made a quick stop to see the stars of Ralph Wrecks the Internet, a new meet and greet. We got to see Ralph while we were in line, but by the time it was our turn, we were only able to meet Vanelope. Still a lot of fun!

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