Black Friday is always Family Fun Day in our house. After working retail for so many years, Daryl can't stand going into stores. So we stay at Daryl's mom's house and chill. I usually make a trip to the Garden of Memories Cemetery in Tampa at some point during the day and this time I included the Seffner cemetery as well.
My grandma and grandpa - mom's parents.

My grandma Washburn's mother, my great-grandmother.

Daryl's great-grandparents on his dad's side.

Daryl's grandparents on his dad's side.

My parents.

Seffner Cemetery - Granddaddy's headstone is in and looks nice.

Daryl's grandparents - his mom's parents, and his cousin Cory.
Daryl's great-grandparents on his mother's side.

Back home the cousins had fun riding around in the golf cart and on Wesley's new RT.

After a big lunch, we went out to Tropicana for a new Christmas experience - Enchant. They built a light maze and ice skating rink inside the stadium for the holidays.

After we found all nine of Santa's giant reindeer, some of the cousins decided to ice skate while others shopped and Davis found a small playground to play on.

Then a few family pictures!
Afterwards we found a Chili's for dinner and Daniel surprised Daryl by ordering him a birthday cake.

When dinner was over we told everyone goodbye and headed home to Fruitland Park! So thankful for a wonderful time of family and memory making this week.
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