Monday, January 18, 2021

Semester Break

This 3 day weekend constitutes a semester break for the boys for Virtual School. Wesley and Davis actually finished all of their work a week early, and have been working with an awesome college student from our church two hours a day, getting a head start on the second semester. Both of them finished up with all As for the first semester of school and we are so glad that it has worked out to be a good experience for them. 

Parker needed all the way up until the deadline on Friday evening to get his classes completed: Honors Chemistry, Honors Probability and Statistics and Introduction to Law. He's still waiting on some assignments to be graded, but should have all As and Bs. He still has some Spanish 2 to complete, but has been given permission to extend that one into the spring semester (he's 2/3 of the way done). For the spring semester he has his more favorite classes: Honors English Literature and Honors US History. Also introduction to psychology, which we hope he will enjoy as much as he did the law class. 

At one point on Friday, Parker set his laptop down to go do something else. One of the furry friends decided to try to help him with school! 


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