Monday, February 14, 2022

Another Different Winterfest

Like last year, we did not offer Winterfest as a huge block party for the community on our property. 
Instead we went out into the community and spread a little love and free no-strings-attached help. It started on Friday at Fruitland Park Elementary with a pizza and cookie lunch for all the teachers and staff at the school! 

Then Saturday morning, we had volunteers at New York Diner, the local laundromat, the Circle K gas station and also the Family Dollar. We paid for people's breakfasts, their laundry, and gave people $25 gift cards towards their gas or Family Dollar purchase! So many happy smiles and grateful people around town. Daryl, CJ and I went by all the locations during both shifts to thank our volunteers. 

In addition, the church paid off fines for children at the local library, helped pay past due utility bills at city hall, and sponsored several teams of youth sports through the city recreation department. 

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