Friday, July 19, 2024

Scenes from Sapphire Valley

After the meetings were over on Friday, I snuck over to Sapphire Valley (about an hour away) to visit some of my favorite places and do a little hiking. I started off at Narrows Falls. 

Then I stopped off by the Foxhunt Townhouses where we sometimes stay and visited the Horsepasture River and Meadow Lake. 

I finished up at Fairfield Lake. I couldn't walk the whole trail because the girls camp is in session at the north end of the lake. But I walked as much as I could. 

Then I hiked back just past the boat basin and spread out a blanket to sit and stare at the water and 
Old Bald for a while. I read and journaled and it was so peaceful. I even waded in the shallow edge of the lake for a bit.

It was SO good to get over there even for a few hours. 

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