Friday, October 11, 2024

Surgery Time

For the last year and a half I have been working on my health and exploring options related to my high risk for breast cancer. I found a great team from Tampa General and USF and had a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy at Tampa General on September 17. 

Daryl's mom came and sat with him during my surgery and he stayed with me the one night I spent in the hospital. Our dear friend Amy came to stay with the boys and she stayed for 10 days to help out with me and the kids and the animals. I've been recuperating in my favorite mauve recliner that used to reside in my mom and dad's house. It was "my" spot. It's been stored in the apartment at Daryl's parents house since we sold my the house. 

This was a gift from a retired pastor in the district - love this new hand labryinth.

This was Daryl and I in my first outing (other than a dr appt). It was about 2.5 weeks into recovery. We went to the library to pick up books I had on hold and to pick up my favorite Asian food for dinner.

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