Thursday, October 10, 2024

Wesley Pilgrimage - Part Eight

Our last day in London I got a breakfast treat. One of the pastors had brought me a slice of blueberry cake that was allergy free. Delicious! 


began with a tour of Westminster Abbey. So breathtaking. And we got to see a small memorial to John and Charles Wesley in one of the side aisles.

And then across the street we walked over to explore Central Methodist Hall. This is the office of the Methodist Church in England. There's a restaurant and a huge sanctuary and a museum and other offices and meeting rooms. We had lunch and then got a tour. 

There's a balcony on the building with a perfect view of the main entrance to Westminster. This is where the BBC sets up their cameras for big events at the Abbey. 

This is me with the folks from the South West district who were on the trip: Rev. Matthew McNutt, military chaplain; me; Rev. Dr. Robert Bledsoe from Bradenton and his wife Jessica; Rev Haley Eccles from Bradenton.

We were turned loose for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I took off on the tube for the Notting Hill neighborhood, wanting to walk through some of the areas made famous in the movie with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant (one of our favorites. 

The famous blue door - the home of Hugh Grant's character 

And Grant's character owned a bookshop - this was the bookstore that was used in the film.

This book shop declared itself to be the movie site, even though it wasn't. But I did buy a gift bag here.

In Notting Hill I connected with several others from the trip. A few of us were set to explore the National Gallery that night, but someone got injured tripping over the sidewalk. So the Bishop and I took off to explore the gallery. The Gallery stays open late on Friday nights. There was a decent crowd, but it wasn't crowded. Gorgeous works of art. It was a great way to finish off the trip. 

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