Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Wesley Pilgrimage - Part Six

Our first full day in London started at Bunhill Fields, the cemetery across the street from Wesley's London Chapel. We had a devotional time and celebrated one of the couples in our group with a 50th wedding anniversary. 


Lots of famous people buried here. This is the burial spot of John Bunyan. 

Daniel Defoe 
William Blake
Susannah Wesley, the mother of John and Charles Wesley. 

Then we went across the street to Wesley's London Chapel. We toured the museum, the sanctuary, Wesley's gravesite out back and Wesley's home.

Wesley's prayer room off his bedroom. 

Then we went on a walking tour of London. Starting off with another famous grave back at Bunhill - that of George Fox of the Quakers. The Quakers had a profound impact upon Wesley.

Then it was on to Charterhouse School where Wesley attended before college. It is still a boys' school today.

We stopped briefly at Saint Bartholomew the Great church. This is where the funeral mass was held for William Wallace and we visited his execution site with plaque around the block 

Then we visited the spot where Charles Wesley had his spiritual awakening a few days before John Wesley's awakening. 

This spot is just outside the London Museum by the London Wall, marking where John Wesley had his spiritual awakening, or his "heart was strangely warmed moment." 

Our final walking stop was St Paul's Cathedral. This was the site of Charles and Diana's wedding. There is a statue for John Wesley on the site of the cathedral - one of only three here, the others being Saint Paul and Queen Anne.
We got a bit of a tour inside and were supposed to be there for the evensong worship. But there was a private ticketed service scheduled instead, honoring the Royal Humane Society. That's not animals; it was for people who have saved others lives, mostly from drownings. We were allowed to stay and participate from the back. The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester attended and since I was on an aisle, they were less than two feet away from me processing in.

After it was over, I wandered around downtown for a bit before getting an Uber back to our hotel. I stopped in at a lovely Turkish restaurant and had the best lamb shank I've ever had in my life.

When my roommate came back to the room, she had a copy of the day's paper. This was the day after the US presidential debate. Loved this!

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